Abstract: This talk based on the book Properties of Rent: Community, Capital and Politics in Globalising Delhi (Cambridge University Press, 2022) looks at Delhi's southward expansion in post 1950s period to make sense of how Delhi's... more
Abstract: This talk based on the book Properties of Rent: Community, Capital and Politics in Globalising Delhi (Cambridge University Press, 2022) looks at Delhi's southward expansion in post 1950s period to make sense of how Delhi's... more
Abstract: This talk would foreground the works of the Tamil intellectual Pandithar Iyothee Thassar (1845-1914), the critical figure of my research focus, in the context of the study of caste in the academia along with the increasing focus on the... more
Tuesday Seminar
Abstract: This research is being developed based on the 2021 International Exchange Programme for Primary and Secondary School Teachers of Asia-Pacific Cultural Centre for UNESCO (ACCU). The purpose of this... more
What does it mean and what would it take to: “establish, without hierarchy, all “that” which cannot be stolen from us: silence, a future, caring for the dead, daily freedoms, quality of life, physical and psychic health, long spans of time, the... more
Tuesday Seminar
Technology and sciences, notably biology, have entered a stasis whereby the nature of the answers provided are remarkably unchanging. For example, most of biological... more
This paper studies Malayalam cinema’s engagement with its own history through the medium and the production of affective archives. It endeavors to understand the use of archival materials in cinema and explores the affective... more
The cultural anthropologist Sherry B. Ortner (1995) defined ethnography as “the attempt to understand another life world using the self — as much of it as possible — as the instrument of knowing. (…) [T]his kind of understanding has been closely... more
Dr. Ambedkar carried out radical shift in Dalit subject where Dalit struggle was identified with self-respect. By breaking passive mode of pleas and payers he emboldened Dalit movement to take up ‘direct action’ against the... more
Through a critical appraisal of social psychological insights into selfhood, intergroup relations, and emotions with the anti-caste psychological perspectives notably that of Ambedkar, this paper examines the psychological... more