Editor(s): Divya Dwivedi, Sanil V
Bloomsbury Academic
A mutlidisciplinary volume of essays on the public sphere from outside the west edited by Divya Dwivedi and Sanil V. and published last month by Bloomsbury Academic UK, the book... more
Editor(s): Divya Dwivedi, Sanil V
Bloomsbury Academic
A mutlidisciplinary volume of essays on the public sphere from outside the west edited by Divya Dwivedi and Sanil V. and published last month by Bloomsbury Academic UK, the book... more
The Department of Humanities and Social Sciences at the Indian Institute of Technology Delhi organized a two day workshop on Multiple Publics: Sites, Boundaries and Contestations in India during 9-10 October 2010. The workshop was coordinated by... more
"Roland Barthes: Today, Here" organized by the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, IIT-Delhi in collaboration with The Institut Francais en Inde
The venue and lunch are restricted to 100 persons, and will be made... more
Multiple Publics: Sites, Boundaries and Contestations in India
Convenors: Dr. Sarbeswar Sahoo & Dr. Naveen K. Thayyil, IIT Delhi
9-10 October 2015 at IRD Conference Hall (7th Floor, Main Building, IITD Campus)
This... more
The following courses will be on offer at the CWS, JNU in this semester (Monsoon Semester 2015).
Interested students (credit or audit) may contact concerned teachers directly, and discuss course requirements, schedules and so on with them... more