Ms. Vaishali Mutreja, Research Assistant, presented a paper titled, "How does learning of mindfulness (posture and breath focus) alter cognitive task learning?". Vaishali presented work from a two-year long, interdisciplinary research... more
Ms. Vaishali Mutreja, Research Assistant, presented a paper titled, "How does learning of mindfulness (posture and breath focus) alter cognitive task learning?". Vaishali presented work from a two-year long, interdisciplinary research... more
Ruby Aikat received the Best Paper Award at the National Conference on Recenet Advances in Cognition and Health (NCRACH) 2019. Ms. Ruby Aikat, part-time PhD scholar presented a paper "Is imagery Dependent on sensory feedback? Implications... more
Shambhovi Mitra delivered a talk that won the Best Paper award at the National Conference on Recent Advances in Cognition and Health (NCRACH) 2019. Ms. Shambhovi Mitra, a part-time PhD scholar presented a paper titled, "Does autonomic... more
Chair: Divya Dwivedi
Faisal Devji - The inheritance of ISIS (10.30 am - 11.30 am)
Comments by Shruti Kapila (11.45 am - 12... more
On the basis of the written test held on 13 Feb 2019, the following candidates have been shortlisted for the interview. The interview would be held at 4.30PM on 13 Feb 2019 in the office of the Head of the Department, Department of Humanities and... more
Transitioning to Middle Income: Challenges and Pathways for India
February 21-22, 2019
The Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi is... more
The Meaning of Simultaneity:
From Spacetime to Timespace
Workshop with Elie During
(Professor of Philosophy, University of Paris Nanterre)
Chair: Divya Dwivedi
14th January 2019, 10 am to 2 pm
HSS... more