Art and Aesthetics | Humanities & Social Sciences

Art and Aesthetics

Course Number: 
LTP structure: 


Course Objective

The central objective of this course is to make the student aware of the philosophical implications of the aesthetic attitude and the practice of art in the human world. A philosophical understanding of the place of the aesthetic in our worldview is expected to enhance our self-understanding through an appreciation of our cultural humanity.

Course Content

 Aesthetic Attitude and Aesthetic Experience  The Ontology of Art: on what kind of a thing is a work of art  Theories of Art: Resemblance, Representation, Expression and Form  Aesthetic Judgement: Perception and Imagination; The Sublime and the Beautiful  Emotional Response to Fiction  Criticism and Interpretation: on whethr critical-interpretative cannons are fixed or open-ended  Art, Tradition and Modernity  Art, Morality and Politics: Art as Ideology  Metaphor, Narrative and Fictionality  Philosophy and Literature: on Literature as Cognitive Thought-Experiment about Human Possibility
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