Making Sense of the Everyday: Theories, Debates and Critiques | Humanities & Social Sciences

Making Sense of the Everyday: Theories, Debates and Critiques

Course Number: 
LTP structure: 



Course Objective

This course explores theories and perspectives on the idea of the everyday in social anthropology. It will help students engage with the numerous dilemmas and complexities that have been written about while making sense of the quotidian, mundane, and banal ‘everyday life’. Departing from the fuzziness and ambiguity that envelopes the commonsensical notion(s) of the everyday, the course will draw upon debates and critiques that have shaped the epistemology of the everyday.

Course Content

This course explores theories of everyday life; ways of reading the everyday across different social spaces; power relations, agency and resistance in everyday processes. Through texts and ethnographic readings, it will draw together the relationship of everyday life with socio-cultural, political and economic practices.

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