What defines the Indian tradition? Is there a singular Indian tradition or is there a plurality of Indian traditions in the public sphere today? How do these find representation in the modern and textual frameworks? Is modernity antithetical to tradition? The aim of this course is to take up these varied questions along with their nuances to understand and re-negotiate Indian intellectual traditions. In this course, the examination of sources, structure, texts and exemplars from Indian intellectual tradition provide a theoretical framework for the discussion of contemporary political and social issues. Economic development, social justice, religion and the nation, communalism and secularism, caste, class and gender equality are themes to be addressed. The political misuse of tradition in programs of reform and revival both in the past and in modern times will be highlighted to underline the need for rethinking Indian Philosophy and intellectual tradition in an academically rigorous manner. This course will also take into cognisance the intellectual history of the ancient past as it comes through the Vedic thought and its contestations.