The course examines the philosophical bases and problems that define key literary and literary-theoretical concepts, such as text, context, paratext, literary history, narration, meaning, interpretation, voice, style, literary specificity.Through the study texts of philosophy (both Anglo-American and European), literature and literary theory, which have influenced or responded to each other, the following topics and questions will be addressed:
The ontological status of the text-context discontinuity; Through what concept of difference do we think the specificity of the literary?
The epistemology of literature; Fictionality, Possible Worlds;Through what concept of existence do we distinguish literature from other phenomena, such as, hypotheses, lies, counterfactuals, dreams?
Literature and/as Moral Philosophy; Is there a law of literature or does literature constitute legality itself?
How does literature relate to non-literary, scientific, and everyday discourses? Life as Narrative and theories of narrative self;
The relation between literature, aesthesis and reason; and emotional response to Fiction.