Philosophy of Literature | Humanities & Social Sciences

Philosophy of Literature

Course Number: 
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Course Objective

To familiarize students with the precise problems posed by Literature to philosophy, and vice-versa. To study the philosophical nature of the grounding concepts of literature—such as textuality, narrativity, fictionality, and intransitivity. To grasp the singular demand placed by these concepts and problems, and by literary discourse in general, on philosophical conceptualization of being, truth, knowledge, value, creation, temporality, space, language and the human condition. To examine the relation of literary discourse to that of politics, morality, myth, history, and science.

Course Content

The course examines the philosophical bases and problems that define key literary and literary-theoretical concepts, such as text, context, paratext, literary history, narration, meaning, interpretation, voice, style, literary specificity.Through the study texts of philosophy (both Anglo-American and European), literature and literary theory, which have influenced or responded to each other, the following topics and questions will be addressed: The ontological status of the text-context discontinuity; Through what concept of difference do we think the specificity of the literary? The epistemology of literature; Fictionality, Possible Worlds;Through what concept of existence do we distinguish literature from other phenomena, such as, hypotheses, lies, counterfactuals, dreams? Literature and/as Moral Philosophy; Is there a law of literature or does literature constitute legality itself? How does literature relate to non-literary, scientific, and everyday discourses? Life as Narrative and theories of narrative self; The relation between literature, aesthesis and reason; and emotional response to Fiction.
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