Reading and Sentence Processing | Humanities & Social Sciences

Reading and Sentence Processing

Course Number: 
LTP structure: 


Course Objective

The course aims to introduce advanced students of linguistics/psycholinguistics with the interaction between reading processes and sentence comprehension. On successful completion of this course, a student will be able to conceptualize relevant research questions pertaining to the topic covered during the course.

Course Content

The course content will cover state-of-the-art models of reading. The course will situate itself in the larger domain of sentence processing and address the important question of how reading and sentence processing are related. Distributed (SWIFT) as well as undistributed (EZ Reader) attention models will be discussed. Influence of low-level factors (eg. Word length, word frequency, etc) and contribution of high-level sentential factors on reading patterns will be introduced. Work on Indian languages will be discussed. Finally, models that integrate sentence processing and reading will be taken up.

[Note: Once an eyetracker is available, hands on sessions will be conducted to run simple reading experiments. See tutorial section for more details.]

The information provided here may not be updated. Please check UG/PG section for updated course offering data.