Courses | Humanities & Social Sciences



Course Number: HSL613
Credit: 4.0
Course Objective:

The objective of this course is to provide introduction to econometric theory and practice. The linear regression model is the main focus of this course. The topics covered in the course include Gauss-Markov assumptions, Small and Large sample properties of least square estimator. Then we... Read more

Course Number: HSP511
Credit: 4.0
Course Objective:

Economics has a significant component of experimentation and data analytics. This course introduces students to experimental methods and computational techniques using real life data. Data analysis and experimental methods of analysis feature prominently in this course.

Course Number: HSL813
Credit: 3.0
Course Objective:

The course builds on microeconomic and mathematical tools to formalize decision-making by economic agents under different environments, e.g. framing, uncertainty, competitive bidding, tacit collusion etc. Starting from the basic models of consumer’s behavior, the course aims to build advanced... Read more

Course Number: HSL816
Credit: 3.0
Course Objective:

The aim of the course is to make the students familiar with the
most fundamental concepts and results of game theory. This forms the first part of a sequence of two courses on game theory. On successful completion of this course (and the subsequent second part of the course), the... Read more

Course Number: HSL817
Credit: 3.0
Course Objective:

The objective of this course is to introduce students to the basic economic concepts related to health, health care, and health financing. After completion of the course the students shall be able to apply various economic tools for the analysing health outcomes, health care costs, and health... Read more

Course Number: HUL 316
Credit: 3.0
Course Objective:

The course is aimed at developing an understanding of the economic issues in a range of economic activities in the Indian economy. The themes that can be covered include performance of the Indian Economy since 1951, agricultural growth in India, inter-regional variation in growth of output and... Read more

Course Number: HSL515
Credit: 3.0
Course Objective:

This course aims to equip the students with a good understanding of India’s economic problems. The development challenges faced by India during the colonial period and again during the initial decades after independence will be discussed in detail. The primary concern of the course will be on... Read more

Course Number: HSL716
Credit: 3.0
Course Objective:

The course provides a graduate level introduction to Industrial Organization. It is designed to provide a broad introduction to topics that current researchers are studying in the areas of industrial organization. It will expose students to a wide variety of techniques in the area of industrial... Read more

Course Number: HSL714
Credit: 3.0
Course Objective:

This course deals with international trade and finance, covering both the theoretical models and policy experiences. The course will help students understand questions such as how and why countries trade with each other and on how the globalization of finance poses challenges to macroeconomic... Read more

Course Number: HUL 314
Credit: 3.0
Course Objective:

Basic concepts of national income accounting, money, and balance of payments; output and exchange-rate determination under fixed and flexible exchange-rate regimes; fiscal and monetary policies in an open economy; international capital movements and their impacts; Case Studies: East Asian crisis... Read more
