· To understand the genres of poetry in relation to time, through special focus on the lyric in its historical background
· To study the redeployment of the lyric and other forms in relation to “modernity”
· To explore “modernity” as an attitude rather than chronological term through... Read more
· To trace the origins of the novel in Europe as well as its world variants in different regions.
· To reflect on the historical transition over the last century through a novelistic lens.
· To discern the marks, in the world novel, of the experience of the devastation of indigeneity... Read more
To introduce students to the history, development and philosophy of the Theatre of the Absurd, which emerged as an important literary and philosophical movement in post World War II Europe. Socio-political background of the theatre of the Absurd, its basis in Existentialist philosophy. The... Read more
This course will provide students an opportunity to study in detail the themes that have been prominent in modern Indian thought across a range of genres and media. Texts chosen might be speeches, letters, manifestoes, essays, novels, short stories, poetry, film, drama etc. Our aim will be to... Read more
This course will focus on the nature of textuality, examining its different definitions, for example, in terms of texture, materiality, siginification and meaning, the contrast with orality, body and performance. How do these definitions impact the ways in which we study literary, artistic,... Read more
The course will begin by seeking to distinguish the notion of 'creative' writing. It will contrast this heterogeneous category with other kinds of writing such as the 'functional' writing found in text-books and reportage. Through an analysis of various techniques of writing - in master-texts as... Read more
This course will introduce students to advanced topics in Philosophy as decided by the instructor.
The central objective of this course is to make the student aware of the philosophical implications of the aesthetic attitude and the practice of art in the human world. A philosophical understanding of the place of the aesthetic in our worldview is expected to enhance our self-understanding... Read more
This course offers a critical introduction to the essential thought, values and practices in/of Buddhist traditions across time and place. Literature on Buddhism and Buddhist literature brings out the historical, philosophical and political synthesis of Buddhism in ever new cultural contexts.... Read more
1) To learn to interpret a philosophical text by placing it in its relevant contexts- intellectual, socio-historical. 2) To reconstruct and critically examine the claims made by the text. 3) To relate the text to contemporary issues and texts in Philosophy.