Courses | Humanities & Social Sciences



Course Number: HSL875
Credit: 3.0
Course Objective:

This course will familiarize a student with major development issues affecting Northeast India, the shifts in Government of India policy towards North-east India, and how democratization has shaped identity expressions and led to organization of social movements in this region.

Course Number: HSL880
Credit: 3.0
Course Objective:

This course will introduce students to advanced topics in Sociology as decided by the instructor.

Course Number: HSL775
Credit: 3.0
Course Objective:

This course will introduce students to inter-disciplinary perspectives on agriculture and rural development across the world using historical and contemporary sources.

Course Number: HSL688
Credit: 3.0
Course Objective:

• To familiarize students with the debates around agrarian societies and their origins
• To help students understand the problems around simplistic binaries of rural/urban or agrarian/industrial
• To train students to think critically and write effectively about concepts and ideas... Read more

Course Number: HSL776
Credit: 3.0
Course Objective:

This course seeks to critically examine the historical development of capitalism in the context of the advanced industrial and developing societies. It discusses how capitalism as a mode of production has restructured itself over the centuries. Specifically, it discusses the various theories of... Read more

Course Number: HSL874
Credit: 3.0
Course Objective:

This course will examine how civil society or associational community interacts with the state and the market in India and what implications has it had for the broader processes and institutions of democracy, citizenship and governance.

Course Number: HSL571
Credit: 3.0
Course Objective:

The course will familiarize students with contemporary sociological theorists and trace the interlinkages with narrative theory and political thought. It will enable students to critically evaluate theories, concepts, and ideas in an understanding of the contemporary moment.

Course Number: HSL675
Credit: 3.0
Course Objective:

The course introduces students to theories and critical perspectives pertaining to multiple sites and practices of education. It explores the processes that bring education in relationship with varied social structures such as caste, class, gender and race. Students will also be engaging with... Read more

Course Number: HUL 275
Credit: 4.0
Course Objective:

Students will be exposed to contemporary themes and debates on connection between environment, development, and society; industrialization and risk society; challenge of sustainable development; perception of the environment, dependence for livelihood, identity, and power on natural resources;... Read more

Course Number: HSL871
Credit: 3.0
Course Objective:

This is a seminar-style course designed to critically interrogate the concept of the state as an object of ethnographic enquiry. The course will attempt to disaggregate the state as a taken-for-granted entity or institution and focus on the multiple ways in which the state can be realized as an... Read more
