This course seeks to train PG students in ethnographic methods of research in sociology and social anthropology. The course will engage with theoretical, philosophical and methodological debates that have framed the ethnographic project. Issues and challenges in ethnographic research will be... Read more
This course introduces students to sociological perspectives on the study of family, marriage and kinship. It will help students engage with classical and contemporary understanding of the three institutions and their relationship with other social structures. The course will frame disciplinary... Read more
This course will start with key debates in the practice of ethnography and proceed to introduce students to techniques of fieldwork such as observation, participant observation, interviewing, recording conversations, thick description and writing fieldnotes.
The course will familiarize students with contemporary conceptual understandings of gender and its relationship with other dimensions of human social life. It will explore the relationship between ‘sex’ and gender and focus on the socio-cultural processes that produce gendered identities in time... Read more
The manner in which gender is conceptualized and performed is foundational to the understanding of human social relationships. Gender identities are not fixed or determined purely by physiology; their social construction affects ideas of masculinity and femininity or other sexual identities.... Read more
To introduce students to current and ongoing debates on challenges posed by various aspects of globalization and debates therein. Globalization is impacting our everyday life and this course enables us to understand how social-cultural, political and economic aspects of globalization interact... Read more
The basic aim of this course is to introduce students to the study and understanding of modern industrial societies.
Globalization and Globality; Classical theories to understanding work and industry; Understanding Work, Work Ethic and Work Culture; Post-industrial society and rise of informational economy; Job-satisfaction and alienation; Equalization of Opportunities and the Flattening of the World;... Read more
The main objective of this course is to introduce PhD students to the basics elements of research design and methods such as identify their paradigm of inquiry, research questions, variables of interest and sample of respondents for their research studies.
The course will introduce students to the study of sociology and some basic underpinnings of sociological theory and methodology. The emergence of sociology as a scientific discipline is examined in the context of the development of Industrial society in Western Europe. The course will examine... Read more