This course will begin with a discussion on the various constructions of Indian society from colonial to contemporary times. The structural and cultural dimensions of Indian society are explored at the level of village, city, region, nation and civilization. Sources of differentiation, diversity... Read more
The course seeks to undertake a study of language as a social and cultural product. The role of language in the construction of collective identity, nationalism, ethnic and religious movements will be considered. Theoretical orientations to the study of language such as Structuralism and Marxism... Read more
This course explores theories and perspectives on the idea of the everyday in social anthropology. It will help students engage with the numerous dilemmas and complexities that have been written about while making sense of the quotidian, mundane, and banal ‘everyday life’. Departing from the... Read more
The course examines the construction of the 'media- event', the 'spectacle' and the fetishism of the image- object and its role in determining the collective consciousness of our times. Some of the questions addressed in this course are: how are 'media-events'... Read more
This module draws on methodological debates in history and sociology/social anthropology in order to better understand how the ‘past’ can be used as a resource in ethnographic work. It reflects on the social turn in history writing as well as the historical turn in sociology, both the doing of ‘... Read more
This course is an advanced undergraduate sociology course on the political ecology of water. It discusses people's historic and current engagement with water, sustainable development and water, the recent controversies and emergent resource conflict over water in the context of industrial... Read more
This course covers an in-depth understanding of the theory and practice of ethnography. Students will engage with a wide variety of ethnographies from diverse contexts while exploring the debates and tensions that have shaped ethnographic practice. The course will investigate the many dimensions... Read more
The course introduces students to the study of religion in contemporary society. It addresses the constitution of religion as an epistemological and cognitive category. The course covers sociological, anthropological, philosophical and psychological approaches to religious belief and practice.... Read more
The course will introduce students to selected topics in Sociology as decided by the instructor
This course is designed to provide graduate students with a broad perspective on classical and modern theoretical perspectives in sociology and social anthropology.