Current economic problems. Alternative economic systems. An overview of the economy. The market mechanism. National product and income. Consumption, savings and investment. Determination of national income. Aggregate demand and supply. Fiscal policy. The nature of money and monetary policy.... Read more
The course aims to introduce the students to broad issues of development, particularly from an Indian or developing country context. The topics covered in the course relate to not only issues of economic development but also other hurdles faced by developing societies, which have deeper... Read more
The primary objective of this course is to provide an introduction to the study of labour markets with particular emphasis on India.
Major economic problems. National income accounting. Expenditure and income approaches to GNP. Measuring inflation and unemployment. Determination of the equilibrium level of income. Consumption function. Investment demand. Aggregate demand and equilibrium output. The multiplier process.... Read more
This is a graduate course in development economics from macroeconomic perspective. The objective of the course will be to understand topics of interest in the intersection between development economics and applied macroeconomics. The course requires basic understanding of the workhorse models... Read more
This course aims to introduce advanced macroeconomic theory and policies. It deals with the main principles of the determination of real income, employment, price level and exchange rates. It provides an understanding of the contending macroeconomic theories, including the Classical, Keynesian... Read more
This course aims to introduce advanced macroeconomic theory and policies. It deals with the main principles of the determination of real income, employment, price level and exchange rates. It provides an understanding of the contending macroeconomic theories, including the Classical, Keynesian,... Read more
Primary objective of this course is to introduce students with the process of economic growth and the long run sources of differences in economic performances across nations. Emphasis will be placed on developing theoretical toolkit in understanding growth mechanics. It is intended that this... Read more
The aims of this course are to:
(i) equip students with understanding of the most important mathematical techniques used in modern economics;
(ii) illustrate the use of these techniques by applying them to various well-known economic models;
(iii) complement the postgraduate... Read more
This course aims to introduce the students to formalization of individual decision making and various facets of it under different perspectives- when the individual is a consumer (consumer’s choice, demand, dilemmas etc.) or when she is a producer (profit maximization or cost minimization,... Read more