Courses | Humanities & Social Sciences



Course Number: HSL772
Credit: 3.0
Course Objective:

This course introduces students to classical and contemporary theories and debates in Indian sociology including the various concepts and approaches used to study Indian society. It provides a historical overview of Indian society from colonial times to the present, focusing on processes and... Read more

Course Number: HSL777
Credit: 3.0
Course Objective:

This course will introduce students to theories in the sociology of science, explore how scientific knowledge is produced and validated, and study its relationship to other forms of knowledge in society.

Course Number: HUL 375
Credit: 3.0
Course Objective:

This course will introduce students to sociological approaches to the study of religion in contemporary society. Religion will be understood in terms of its social and cultural structure; in addition the course will also encourage a critical perspective on religion and society – its interface... Read more

Course Number: HSV773
Credit: 1.5
Course Objective:

This main objective of this course is to introduce PhD students to a set of tools for empirical research in Sociology in particular, but it would also be useful for other disciplines in social sciences such as Economics, Psychology and Policy Studies.

Course Number: HSL674
Credit: 3.0
Course Objective:

• Students will understand the processes in the making of the ‘urban’, as habitat, space and culture, and also as an object of study from an anthropological perspective.
• Examine the concepts around the urban – such as urbanism, urbanisation- and their applicability in cities of the... Read more

Course Number: HSL778
Credit: 3.0
Course Objective:

This course aims at a critical examination of the production of the city and the urban as a way of life.The student will be introduced to important theoretical perspectives on the study of the urban – Marx, Weber, Simmel, Castells, Lefebvre, Wirth, Harvey, de Certeau and Appadurai besides others... Read more

Course Number: HSL774
Credit: 3.0
Course Objective:

Students will learn how to analyse images, visual and online new media resources and utilize them in social and Internet research. This course enables a student to get some exposure to innovations in visual anthropology and digital culture that are part of our everyday life.

Multi. Disc.

Course Number: HSL882
Credit: 3.0
Course Objective:

The Internet has revolutionized the way we think, express ourselves, and act politically. Taking cognizance of the important role cyberspace plays in shaping political discourse, online activism influences outcome of protest, this course will enable a student to understand cyberactivism and rise... Read more

Course Number: HSL581
Credit: 2.0
Course Objective:

This course will equip students with approaches to definitions of archive, archival methods, constitution of archives and dynamics of power in the production of the past. It will train students to read historical sources in ethnographic and literary ways. The methodological significance of the ‘... Read more

Course Number: HUL 354
Credit: 3.0
Course Objective:

The course begins by registering the increased presence of technology in contemporary art. We shall keep the experiences of both classical Greece and Classical India alive where art and technology were not clearly separated in the manner familiar to us. By positioning us between these two... Read more
