This course is the first part of two semester long research project for M.Sc. (Economics) students. The students engage in collaborative research with a faculty guide. The objective is to prepare students in identifying research problems, formulating research questions, analysing them, and... Read more
This course is the second (final) part of two semester long research project for M.Sc. (Economics) students. The students engage in collaborative research with a faculty guide. The objective is to prepare students in identifying research problems, formulating research questions, analysing them,... Read more
This research seminar course provides a forum for students to discuss and generate ideas on issues related to a variety of economic problems. Students conduct an in-depth study of a research topic of their choice under the guidance of faculty members. This prepares the students to undertake... Read more
The course will introduce students to selected topics in Economics as decided by the instructor.
Estimation and inference in two variable model; OLS assumption; Extension of the two variable model; OLS assumption : autocorrelation, multicollinearity, and heteroskedasticity, models with limited dependent variables : LPM, log it, and probit; Panel data modelling: fixed effect and random... Read more
This forms the second part of two-part game theory course intended for the masters program at IIT Delhi. After formalization of standard game theory models and some examples in game theory 1, in this course, we introduce concepts of cooperative game theory and advanced topics such as mechanism... Read more
This course will cover time series econometrics and forecasting with focus on applications in macroeconomics and international finance. It introduces students to time series regression models, its estimation, inference and forecasting. The objective of the course is for students to get hands-on... Read more
This course will introduce students to advanced topics in Linguistics as decided by the instructor.
On the successful completion of this course, a student will be able to independently use R for analyzing standard psycholinguistic experimental data. The data can pertain to measures such as reaction time, eye-fixation measures, grammaticality judgments, correct-incorrect question response etc.... Read more
The course aims to equip linguistics research scholars with programming knowledge that can enable them to handle text data/resource and tools. This will help them to explore data for mining linguistic patterns related to a research question.