To introduce students to key concepts on which definitions of philosophy are constructed, such as “concept”, “idea”, “opinion”, “argument”, representation”, “reason”, “knowledge”, “judgement”, “critique”; to discuss different traditions and critiques of philosophical thinking;
To introduce students to some of the major works of a single author and to discussions elicited by these works. The course will train students to gain a thorough understanding of the trajectory of the given author, the intellectual context of their writing, and to be conversant with debates and... Read more
This course will introduce students to the role of theatre in mass politics in the 20th and the 21st centuries.
· Understand the role of print as a phenomenon in human history – for reading, writing, and thinking
· Discuss how contemporary life, and our bodies and minds, are conditioned by print technologies – such as the Typewriter and the Computer, or the Book and the Press
· Demonstrate the... Read more
To introduce the history, contexts and development of the Novel, an important literary genre, which emerged in Europe from the late 17th century and travelled to other parts of the world.
There is more to romanticism than Wordsworth‘s poetry, or even literature in general. Nor is it confined between 1780s and 1830s. Least is it a trend succeeded by Victorianism and realism, and assailed by modernism. Romanticism contends with the question of presentation – of representation of... Read more
The course will introduce students to selected topics in Literature as decided by the instructor.
The course will examine contemporary literary writing from a number of South Asian countries (in English or translation) in addition to India, such as Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Sri Lanka. It will relate the predominant thematic and narrative concerns of these writings to the embattled political... Read more
The objective of the module is to provide an in-depth study of one writer/theorist or thinker. The course will focus on the works or even one text of the selected writer and attempt to understand the trajectory of his/her thought in detail.
This course will cover the idea of the Renaissance in England also known as the early Modern period and focus on concepts of identity and self as became evident in the literary texts of this era. It will relate the work of art to Renaissance history and cultural politics.