Care, Philosophy and Medical Humanities – Colloquium | Humanities & Social Sciences

Care, Philosophy and Medical Humanities – Colloquium

Cynthia Fleury; Yashpal Jogdand; Laurence Joseph; Maël Montévil
Date and Time: 
Mon, 26/09/2022 - 3:00pm to 5:00pm
03:00 PM to 05:00 PM
Senate Hall

What does it mean and what would it take to: “establish, without hierarchy, all “that” which cannot be stolen from us: silence, a future, caring for the dead, daily freedoms, quality of life, physical and psychic health, long spans of time, the possibility of living and becoming; but also the ways that make it possible to prevent such thefts from taking place: proof of care, a climate of care, field surveys, the right to experiment, the productivity of vulnerability, and, more generally, furtivity—the clever and imaginative ways of dealing with life's and systems' hurdles” (Cynthia Fleury and Antoine Fenoglio 2022)? This colloquium is devoted to the need for imagining other ways of thinking health and care, ethical approach to health, patient-oriented and institutional care, interrogating medicalization and equally the chasms between the clinic and the world in a time of exacerbating inequalities and erosion of welfare.


2.45 pm - Tea / Coffee
3 pm - Opening Remarks: Divya Dwivedi

3.05 pm – 3.50 pm
Keynote: Cynthia Fleury, Care, Philosophy and Medical Humanities
Cynthia Fleury is a philosopher and psychoanalyst who holds the Chair of Humanities and Health at the Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers in Paris, is Professor at the École Nationale Supérieure des Mines and Professor of Philosophy at the University Hospital Group (GHU) of Paris – Psychiatry and Neuroscience. Her recent books, all published by Gallimard, Paris, include: Le soin est un humanisme (Care and Humanism, 2019), Répétition générale (General Repetition, 2020), Ci-gît l'amer. Guérir du ressentiment (Here lies the bitter. Healing from resentment ,2020), Ce qui ne peut être volé. Charte du Verstohlen, avec Antoine Fenoglio (That which cannot be stolen, 2020).

3.50 pm to 4.10 pm
Yahshpal Jogdand, Caste, Humiliation and Coping: Insights from Social Psychology
After his PhD from School of Psychology & Neuroscience, University of St Andrews, Scotland, UK under the supervision of Stephen Reicher, Yashpal Jogdand has been Assistant Professor at the Department of Humanities & Social Sciences, IIT Delhi. He serves on the editorial board of Asian Journal of Social Psychology and Journal of Social & Political Psychology, and as Book Review Editor of Psychological Studies. His primary research areas include group processes and intergroup relations, particularly intergroup humiliation; prejudice, leadership; political rhetoric and collective mobilisation; social psychology of caste; stigma & wellbeing among marginalised groups. His recent publications include “Ground Down and Locked in a Paperweight: Toward a Critical Psychology of Caste based Humiliation” (Critical Philosophy of Race 11.1, January 20223, in press), “Entrepreneurship of Emotions is Critical for Future Leadership” (with S. Sharma, Journal of Leadership Studies. 13.1, 2019), and “Understanding the Persistence of Caste” (with S. Khan & A. K. Mishra, Journal of Social and Political Psychology 4.2, 2016).

4.10 pm – 4.30 pm
Laurence Joseph, Care: a Philosophy in Dialogue with the Ethics of Childhood [by video-conference]
Laurence Joseph is a clinical psychologist and psychoanalyst, and holds a degree in philosophy. She is attached to the Centre Psychanalytique de l'hôpital Sainte-Anne in Paris (GHU). She teaches at the faculty of medicine in Paris V. and she will be commencing in October 2022 a seminar on “Les Violences de l'intime” [the violences of intimacy] at the École Normale Supérieure (ENS) in Paris. She has directed the psychoanalysis collection at Editions Hermann since its creation. Her latest publications include La chute de l intime [The Loss of Intimacy], Editions Hermann, 2022, “Les risques psycho sociaux des écrans chez les adolescents," (Libération, June 2022), and “Denial of incest: Between silences and misunderstandings” (Philosophy Word Democracy 2.5, May 2021).

4.30 pm – 4.50 pm
Maël Montévil, Disruption, Care and Knowledge
Maël Montévil is a CNRS Chargé de Recherche at the Centre Cavaillès centre, République des savoirs, at the École Normale Supérieure (Paris). He works at the intersection of science and philosophy, and on theoretical biology. He has developed the framework of constraint closure and theorised biological historicity and its implications for the theory and modelling with which to study current issues such as endocrine disruptors and, more generally, the disturbances of the Anthropocene and our response to them. Montévil is the author of more than twenty-five peer-reviewed articles and a monograph with Giuseppe Longo Perspectives on organisms. In his recent research he is investigating how, in biology, it is necessary to go beyond the epistemology of physics, based on the causal and mathematical closure of the structure of determination, a closure that gives the identity of the scientific object. His latest publications include “Vaccines, Germs, and Knowledge” (Philosophy Word Democracy 2.4, April 2021), “Measurement in biology is methodized by theory” (Biology & Philosophy 34.3, April, 2019), “Possibility Spaces and the Notion of Novelty: From Music to Biology” (Synthese 196.11, November, 2019).

4.50 pm – 5.00 pm
Closing remarks & discussion: A. Tarun
A Tarun is a PhD student in the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences at the Indian Institute of Technology Delhi. He is researching representations of madness in contemporary literature through the frameworks of narrative theory, medical humanities and mad studies. He graduated from the University of Hyderabad with a Master's degree in English in 2020.