First Annual Conference in Economics | Humanities & Social Sciences

First Annual Conference in Economics

Date and Time: 
Thu, 21/02/2019 - 12:00am to Fri, 22/02/2019 - 12:00am
09:00 AM to 06:00 PM
IRD Conference Room, Main building, IIT Delhi

Transitioning to Middle Income: Challenges and Pathways for India
February 21-22, 2019

The Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi is organizing the first Annual Conference in Economics (ACE) during February 21-22, 2019. Theme of the inaugural conference is Transitioning to Middle Income: Challenges and Pathways for India.

As a part of this conference PROF. KAUSHIK BASU will deliver the first Dr P C Bansil Memorial Lecture on 21 February 7 PM.

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Day 1: 21 February 2019

Inaugural lecture [10:00am - 11:00am]

Amartya Lahiri (UBC and CAFRAL)

Agriculture and Food Security [11:30am - 1:15pm]

Bharat Ramaswami (Ashoka University)
CSC Sekhar (IEG)
K Rama Naik (Prathama Bank)

Macroeconomics [2:15pm - 4:30pm]

Chetan Ghate (ISI Delhi) [Chair]
Monishankar Bishnu (ISI Delhi)
Partha Chatterjee (SNU)
Anuradha Saha (Ashoka)
Anindya Chakrabarti (IIM Ahmedabad)

Labour, Employment and Skills [4:45pm - 6:00pm]

Kanika Mahajan (Ashoka University)
Dibyendu Maiti (DSE)

Poster Session by IIT Delhi research scholars [6:00pm - 7:00pm]

Dr P C Bansil Memorial Lecture [7:00pm - 8:15pm]

Prof. Kaushik Basu
Technological Advance and the Changing Nature of Work: Prospects for India

Day 2: 22 February 2019

India’s Official Statistics [10:00am - 1:00pm]

Pronab Sen (IGC Delhi) [Chair]
M H Suryanarayana (IGIDR)
S L Shetty (EPWRF)
R Nagaraj (IGIDR)
G C Manna (CSO)
Vikas Kumar (Azim Premji University)

Microeconomics [2:00pm - 3:15pm]

Saptarshi Mukherjee (IIT Delhi) [Chair]
Nicolas Gravel (CSH Delhi)
Souvik Dutta (IIM Bangalore)

Panel: Agrarian Crisis and the Political Economy of Farm Loan Waiver [3:30pm - 4:30pm]

Surjit Bhalla (Observatory Group and Oxus Research & Investments)
V Upadhyay (IIT Delhi)
Richa Kumar (IIT Delhi)

The conference is being organized in the memory of eminent agricultural researcher Dr PC Bansil and is being graciously supported by the PC Bansil Memorial Trust. Dr Bansil (1921-2016) belonged to the first batch of the Indian Economic Service. He also worked with the FAO for about 15 years and chaired Working Group on Animal Husbandry of the Tenth and Eleventh Year Plans. He authored several books and a large number of papers on agricultural economics and statistics.

Indian Institute of Technology Delhi

Techno Economic Research Institute

Event detail: