HUSS-UKIERI Workshop on Thematic Analysis (6 & 7 April, 2019) | Humanities & Social Sciences

HUSS-UKIERI Workshop on Thematic Analysis (6 & 7 April, 2019)

Dr. Yashpal Jogdand & Dr. Sammyh Khan
Date and Time: 
Sat, 06/04/2019 - 12:00am to Sun, 07/04/2019 - 12:00am
10:00 AM to 05:00 PM
IRD Conference Room, 7th floor, Main building, IIT Delhi

HUSS-UKIERI Workshop on Thematic Analysis (6 & 7 April 2019)
Call For Applications

This two-day workshop will introduce participants to qualitative data analysis, as it is utilised in psychological and other social science research. The workshop will provide an overview of the epistemology underpinning qualitative research and different analytical framework and techniques. However, the primary focus of the workshop will be on thematic analysis. The workshop will offer students the opportunity to learn in depth about the principles of thematic analysis, the steps involved in thematic analysis, and first-hand experience of conducting a thematic analysis.

The workshop is aimed at PhD students and early career researchers with little or no knowledge or experience of thematic analysis in particular and qualitative analysis in general. There is no registration fee. However, an application is required. To apply for the workshop, please write to with a brief statement of purpose and brief CV latest by 3 April. Successful applicants will be informed on 4th April 2019. Limited seats are available, hurry up!

Note: Participants should make separate applications for Thematic Analysis (6 & 7 April) and Structural Equation Modelling (13 & 14 April) workshop.


Sammyh Khan is currently a Visiting Faculty at the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, IIT Delhi. He is a Senior Lecturer in Social Psychology at Keele University, United Kingdom. He completed his PhD at the Centre of Applied Cross Cultural Research (CACR) at Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand. Before taking up his current position at Keele University, he held research fellowships at the University of Dundee, the University of St Andrews, and the University of Exeter. To date his research has had two main areas of focus, involving the application of social-identity and self-categorisation processes to: a) understand group processes and intergroup relations, with a particular focus on religious and political phenomena in the Indian Subcontinent; and b) understand and promote health behaviours and outcomes. Sammyh Khan is a member of the executive committee of the Asian Association of Social Psychology (AASP), the editorial board of the Journal of Social and Political Psychology (JSPP) and the European Journal of Social Psychology (EJSP), and serve as an associate editor for the Asian Journal of Social Psychology (AJSP) and the British Journal of Social Psychology (BJSP).

Yashpal Jogdand is Assistant Professor of Psychology in the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, IIT Delhi. He completed his PhD at the School of Psychology & Neuroscience, University of St Andrews, UK under the supervision of Prof Stephen Reicher. He is interested in studying social identity and intergroup relations, with a particular focus on how disadvantaged groups in society experience and manage/challenge issues of identity, status, morality and emotion. Yashpal Jogdand is a member of the editorial board of the Journal of Social and Political Psychology (JSPP) and the Asian Journal of Social Psychology (AJSP).


Day One: 6th April 2019

Session 1: Introducing Qualitative Research 10:00 to 11:30

Qualitative Research – General Overview:
- Why should we care about Qualitative Research?
- What does Qualitative Research entail?
- Exercise – Reflexivity Exercise
- How is data collected in qualitative research?
- Discussion – Comparing quantitative and qualitative approaches

Tea Break (15 Minutes)

Session 2: Methodologies and Methods 11:45 to 13:00

- Understanding Ontological and Epistemological Assumptions
- Types of qualitative data analysis or methodologies: Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis, Grounded theory, Discourse analysis
- Thematic Analysis: A flexible foundational method
- Approaches to Thematic Analysis (TA)
- Group discussion / Q & A

LUNCH 13:00 to 14:00

Session 3: Six Steps of Thematic Analysis (TA) 14:00 to 15:00
- Introducing Six Steps of Thematic Analysis (TA)
(1) Familiarisation
(2) Initial coding
(3) Generate themes
(4) Review themes
(5) Define themes
(6) Write report

Tea Break (15 Minutes)

Session 4: Group Exercise – Making sense of the use of TA in published research papers 15:15 to 17:00

- Group Exercise – Making sense of the use of TA in published research papers
- Teacher’s Feedback

Day Two: 7th April 2019

Session 5: Individual Exercise – Using TA to analyse qualitative data 10:00 to 11:30

- Individual Exercise: Analysing comment sections in newspaper using TA
- Teacher’s Feedback

Tea Break (15 Minutes)

Session 6: Wrapping up 11:45 to 13:00

- Rigour, Validity, Ethics and other issues in qualitative research
- Publishing qualitative research
- Participant perspectives and suggestions
- Summing up

End of the Workshop

Dr. Yashpal Jogdand
Phone: 011-26591373
Teaching Assistants: Suryodaya Sharma, Ouroz Khan, Joey Thangal