Time, Doubt and Wonder in the Humanities: Between the Tick and the Tock | Humanities & Social Sciences

Time, Doubt and Wonder in the Humanities: Between the Tick and the Tock

Tuesday Seminar
Prasanta Chakravarty
Date and Time: 
Tue, 12/03/2019 - 12:00am
03:30 PM to 05:00 PM
HSS Committee Room (MS 610)

We will have a panel discussion on a recent book by Prasanta Chakravarty:
"Time, Doubt and Wonder in the Humanities: Between the Tick and the
Tock." Bloomsbury, 2019

Below are the details of the program:

Time, Doubt and Wonder in the Humanities: Between the Tick and the Tock
by Prasanta Chakravarty.

To live in wonder is to address the web of temporality. How does one
conceive of time while living within it and what artistic forms might
attempt grasping temporality? What is so eerie about vibrant, unrelenting
and powerful acts of creation? How does the social continue to remain a
domain of intense and partisan subjective parleys, a nebulous realm of the
partially articulated? How can we saturate ourselves in and through
experiences and yet remain reflexive about our political condition? Does
this vertical immersion in living, paradoxically, also make us resolutely
sceptical about all material interactions? The book reflects on how to
affirm our commitment to wonder and sensuality in living by taking head-on
the manifold worldly, social and political concerns and tribulations.
Indeed, wonder could lead to curiosity to inspiration to doubt to
questioning to indignation to seeking of justice. The essays try to grasp
the tenor 'our times' by using wonder as an inclusive metaphor, which
engulfs fortitude, anguish, dejection, ridiculousness and revulsion.


Milind Wakankar, Associate Professor, Humanities &Social Science, IIT, Delhi
Shubha, Poet, Cultural Worker and Ex-Principal, Pt. Neki Ram Sharma
Government College , Rohtak
Rahul Govind, Assistant Professor, Department of History, University of Delhi

Prasanta Chakravarty, Associate Professor, Department of English,
University of Delhi

V. Sanil, Professor, Humanities & Social Sciences, IIT Delhi