Ankush Agrawal | Humanities & Social Sciences

Ankush Agrawal

Ankush Agrawal
Associate Professor
CV Summary: 
Ankush joined the department in February 2013. Previously (April 2010–January 2013), he was an Assistant Professor at the Institute of Economic Growth, Delhi, where he worked primarily on agricultural output forecasting. Ankush is an engineer by training and studied economics in PhD, which he completed from the Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research, Mumbai. Ankush works in the areas of agricultural economics, economics of education, health economics and demography, and human development.

Contact Information

Indian Institute of Technology Delhi
Hauz Khas,New Delhi-110016
Tel:+91-11-2659 1371(O)

Research Areas

India's official statistics, Applied Econometrics, Development Economics

Employment History

April 2010-January 2013: Assistant Professor of Economics, Institute of Economic Growth, Delhi
  • February 2013-April 2020: Assistant Professor of Economics, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, New Delhi
  • April 2020-present: Associate Professor of Economics, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, New Delhi
  • Publications

    Teaching Areas

    Applied Econometrics and Development Economics
