Contact Information
Department of Humanities and Social Sciences
Indian Institute of Technology Delhi
New Delhi-110016, India
Office- MS 646
Phone Office:91-11-26591367
Research Areas
Academic Background
B. A. University of Allahabad, Allahabad, 1st Rank in the University ( University Gold Medal)
M.A (Psychology) University of Allahabad, Allahabad, 1st Rank in the University ( University Gold Medal)
D. Phil in Psychology . University of Allahabad, Allahabad.
Title- Perception and consequences of equity in social and organizational contexts.
Commonwealth Academic Staff Fellow, University of Bristol, Bristol, UK
Select Publications since 2005
R.C. Tripathi & Purnima Singh ( Eds).( 2015). Perspectives on violence and othering in India. Springer: New Delhi. ( Book)
Purnima Singh, Paul Bain, Chan-Hoong Leong, Girishwar Misra, & Yohsuke Ohtsubo
( Eds.)( 2011).Identity, multiculturalism and changing societies: Psychological, Group and Cultural Processes. MacMillan Press: New Delhi. ( Book)
Select Research Papers ( since 2005)
Piven, S. D., Fischer, R., Shaver, J. H., Mogan, R., Karl, J., Kesberg, R., Richardson, A., Singh, P., Tewari, S., & Bulbulia, J. (in press). Kiwi Diwali: A Longitudinal Investigation of Perceived Social Connection Following a Civic Religious Ritual. Religion, Brain & Behavior
Misra, G., Singh, P., Ramakrishna, M., & Ramanathan, P. (2022). Technology as a Double-Edged Sword: Understanding Life Experiences and Coping With COVID-19 in India. Frontiers in Psychology, 12. Doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2021.800827
Singh, P. ( 2021). Navigating India’s rich diversity in social psychological research. Nature Human Behaviour. Published online: 13 September 2021
Ramanathan, P., & Singh, P. (2021). “Searching for Roots:” Exploring the Idea of Home in Tibetan Refugee Youth Living in Delhi, India. Psychology in Developing Societies, 33(2), 324-346.
Veraksa, A., Singh, P. Garilova, M., Jain, N. Veraksa, N. ( 2021). Russian and Indian Preschool Educators’ Beliefs about Distance Education for Preschoolers. Education Sciences , 11 12 .10.3390/educsci11120814
Maheshwari, S., & Singh, P. (2021). Capital access and its mobilization for academic achievement: A case of Indian higher education system. Research in Education. advance online publication.
Almondes, K. M., Bizarro, L., Miyazaki, M. C., Soares, M. R., Peuker, A. C., Teodoro, M., Modesto, J. G., Veraksa, A. N., Singh, P., Han, B., & Sodi, T. (2021). Comparative analysis of psychology responding to COVID-19 pandemic in BRICS nations. Frontiers in Psychology, 12. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2021.567585
Jain, N., Malviya, P., Singh, P., & Mukherjee, S. (2021). Twitter Mediated Sociopolitical Communication During the COVID-19 Pandemic Crisis in India. Frontiers in Psychology, 12. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2021.784907
Singh, P., Tiwari, S., Kesberg,R., Karl, J.F., Bulbulia, J. & Fischer,R. ( 2020). Time investments in rituals are associated with social bonding, affect and subjective health: A longitudinal study of Diwali in two Indian communities. Philosophical Transactions B. DOI- 10.1098/rstb. 2019.0430.R2
Singh, P. & Siddiqui, R. ( 2019). Identity discourse: From negotiations to harmony in plural societies. In G. Mishra ( Ed). ICSSR Research Surveys and Explorations Psychology, Vol 2. Oxford University Press: New Delhi.
Robert Thomson, Masaki Yuki, Thomas Talhelm, Joanna Schug, Mie Kito, Arin H Ayanian, Julia C Becker, Maja Becker, Chi-yue Chiu, Hoon-Seok Choi, Carolina M Ferreira, Marta Fülöp, Pelin Gul, Ana Maria Houghton-Illera, Mihkel Joasoo, Jonathan Jong, Christopher M Kavanagh, Dmytro Khutkyy, Claudia Manzi, Urszula M Marcinkowska, Taciano L Milfont, Félix Neto, Timo von Oertzen, Ruthie Pliskin, Alvaro San Martin, Purnima Singh, Mariko L Visserman ( 2018).Relational mobility predicts social behaviours in 39 countries and is tied to historical farming and threat. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences,
Sohi, K.K., Singh, P., & Bopanna, K.( 2017). “Frequency of ritual participation and social well-being – sense of community and collective self-esteem as mediators”; Conference proceedings, Asian Association of Social Psychology’s 11th Biennial Conference.
Sohi, K.K., Singh, P., & Bopanna, K. ( 2017)."Ritual Participation, Sense of Community and Social Well-Being: A Study of Seva in the Sikh Community“; Journal of Religion and Health, 1-13.
Sohi, K.K., & Singh, P.( 2016). Experiencing Microaggression: Invisibility, Distress, and Self Stereotyping Among Northeasterners in India. Frontiers in Psychology, 7, 1-7.
Singh, P. (2016). Justice and identity: Implications for the workplace. In R.C.Tripathi and R. Dwivedi ( Eds). Organizational studies in India. Orient Blackswan: New Delhi
Sohi, K. & Singh, P. ( 2015). Collective Action in Response to Microaggression: Implications for Social Well-Being. Race and Social Problems, 7, 4, 269-280.
Maheshwari, S. & Singh, P. ( 2015). Capital, Psychological Resources and High Achievement: a Biographical Analysis of the Accomplishment of High Achievers. Psychological Studies, 60, 4, 412–421.
Singh,P.(2015). Development of Values Across Cultures. In J.D. Wright(Ed).International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences, Second Edition, 27–32, Volume 25, Oxford: Elsevier
Ruback, R.B. & Singh, P. (2015). Group and Individual Level Determinants of Collective Violence: Socio Psychological Aspects of Hindi-Muslim Riots, In R.C.Tripathi and P. Singh ( Eds). Perspectives on violence and othering in India. ( pp. 131-146).Springer: New Delhi.
Tripathi, R.C. & Singh, P. (2015).Prologue. In R.C.Tripathi and P. Singh ( Eds). Perspectives on violence and othering in India. (pp xiii-xx)Springer: New Delhi
Singh, P. & Wason, K.(2013). From discord to harmony. In D.P.Chattopadhyaya ( General Editor). Volume on 'Psychology and Psychoanalysis' PHISPC Project of History of Science Philosophy and Culture. In Indian civilization,G.Misra (Ed.), pp.827-848.New Delhi: Centre for Studies in civilization
Sachdev,S. ,Singh,P. & Medin,D. (2011). Culture and the Quest for Universal Principles in Moral Reasoning, International Journal of Psychology, 46: 3, 161 — 176, (Psychology Press)
Tausch, N., Becker, J. C.; Spears, R., Christ, O., Saab, R., Singh, P., Siddiqui, R.N.(2011). Explaining radical group behavior: Developing emotion and efficacy routes to normative and non-normative collective action. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 101(1), 129-148. ( American Psychological Association
Singh, P.( 2011). Social groups: Processes, interactions and relations. In G.Misra( Ed.). Handbook of Psychology in India, (pp.226-235), New Delhi: Oxford University Press.
Singh, P., Bain, P., Chan-Hoong Leong, Misra, G. & Ohtsubo, Y.( 2011) Introduction. In P.Singh, P, Bain, Leong, Chan – Hoong, G. Misra & Y. Ohtsubo ( Eds.) Progress in Asian Psychology Series, Volume 8 (pp.vii- xii), New Delhi: Macmillan
Dhulia, L.M. & Singh, P. (2011).Women’s empowerment approach as a means of engendering the development process. In S. Sarkar & M. Srivastava ( Eds.). Globalization and gender, 39-56, New Delhi: Rawat Publications.
Singh, P. (2010). Aligning development with social justice. In A.K. Sinha & J.Pandey (Eds.). Dialogues on Development. New Delhi: Concept Publications.
Saguay, T., Tausch, N., Dovidio,J.F., Pratto, F. & Singh, P. (2010). Tension and harmony in intergroup relations. In P.R. Shaver & Mikulincer, M. Human aggression and violence Washington, D.C.: American Psychological Association.
Singh, P.( 2009). Understanding the social world: Issues and challenges. In G.Misra ( Ed.). Psychology in India. Volume 2,( pp. 1-52) New Delhi: Pearson Publications.
Singh, P.(2009). Justice and diversity: The twin concerns for developing societies. Psychology and Developing Societies,21, 1-11. (Sage)
Singh,P. , Pandey, J., Tiwari, S., Pandey,K. & Maurya, P.(2009). Perceived justice of available job opportunities and self esteem, collective esteem and social exclusion: A study of three religious groups in India. Psychological Studies, 54, 124-132. ( Springer)
Maheshwari, S. & Singh, P. (2009). Psychological well-being and pilgrimage: Religiosity, happiness and life satisfaction of Ardh-Kumbh Mela pilgrims( Kalpavasis) at Prayag, India. Asian Journal of Social Psychology, 12, 285-292.( Wiley Blackwell)
Singh, P., & Srivastava, S. (2009). Women’s Education in Science and Technology Spheres: Its Impact on Psychological Capital, Subjective Well Being and Big Five Personality Dimensions in “Education for All: Beyond the Boundaries”. Proceedings of International Conference on Education For All (pp.151- 159). Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Ruback R.B. & Singh, P. (2008). Inequity in Hindu- Muslim riots: A test of two biases. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 38, 4, 982–998. ( Wiley-Blackwell)
Wason, K., & Singh, P. ( 2007). The dynamics of volunteering to help in times of intergroup conflict. Psychological Studies, 52, 258-265.
Ruback, R.B., & Singh, P.)(2007).Ingroup bias, intergroup contact and the attribution of blame for riots. Psychology and Developing Societies,19, 249-265.(Sage).
Hopkins, N. Cassidy, C. Levine,M., Reicher, S., Pandey), J. & Singh, P. ( 2007). Social identity and collective behaviour: some lessons from Indian research at the Magh Mela at Prayag Psychological Studies, 52, 286-292.
Singh, P., Reicher, S., Pandey, J., Levine, M., Hopkins, N. & Cassidy, C. (2007). First steps towards a social psychology of collective experience at the Prayag Magh Mela, Psychological Studies, 52, 330.
Singh, P. (2007). Social influence and group processes, Psychology. 129-151, NCERT: New Delhi
Singh, P. &.Wason, K.(2006). From explicit to implicit measurement: A paradigm shift in social cognition. In U.Kumar (Ed). Recent developments in psychology (pp. 88-100). Delhi: Defence Institute of Psychological Research.
Pandey,J. & Singh, P. (2005). Social psychology in India: Social roots and development International Journal of Psychology, 40, (4), 239-253. ( Psychology Press)
Select International Conferences ( Since 2012)
Singh, P. & Ramnathan, P. ( 2019). Is Home where the heart is? Understanding the idea of home in Tibetan refugees and its implications on identity. 5th IACCP 2019 Regional Conference, July 16-19, San José, Costa Rica.
Singh, P. (2019). Emerging economies and societal challenges: Role of psychological science. Invited- BRICS Symposium, XVl European Congress of Psychology, July 2-5
2019, Moscow, Russia.
Singh, P.( 2018). The shared social spaces: Crossing boundaries and barriers. Invited/Featured Lecture, Division 3- Psychology and Societal Development, International Congress of Applied Psychology, Montreal, Canada, July 26-30.
Singh, P., Misra, G., Kapur, P., Siddiqui, R. & Mishra, A.K.( 2018).Sharing and Social Well-being: Regional and Contextual differences. International Association of Cross-Cultural Psychology Congress, The University of Guelph, Canada, July 1-5, 2018.
Sohi, K.K., & Singh, P. (2017). Social Class, Gender and Academic and Psycho-Social Competencies. Asian Association of Social Psychology Conference, Auckland, New Zealand
Singh, (2016). Group processes for harmony. In Invited Symposium on ‘Culture, group interactions and creating shared spaces for harmony’, 31st International Congress of Psychology, Yokohama, Japan, July 24-29.
Singh, P. & Sohi, K. ( 2016).Emotions in Response to Microaggression: Implications for Collective Action, 31st International Congress of Psychology, July 24-29, 2016, Yokohama, Japan
Singh, P., Misra, G., Kapur, P., Mishra, A. & Siddiqui, R. ( 2016). Barriers and bridges of community living: Regional and contextual differences, International Association of Cross-Cultural Psychology, Nagoya, Japan, 30 July-3rd August, 2016.
Singh, P. & Srivastava, S. ( 2015). Exploring Guilt as Mediator in Dealing with Stigma of LGBTs in India .11th Biennial Conference of the Asian Association of Social Psychology, August, 19-22, Cebu, Philippines.
Bopanna, K., Singh, P. & Sohi, K. ( 2015). Exploring the Psychological Impact of Ritual Participation: Seva in the Sikh Community. 11th Biennial Conference of the Asian Association of Social Psychology, August, 19-22, Cebu, Philippines.
Singh, P. ( 2014). Invited Lecture. Exploring the shared spaces in contemporary India. New Zealand India Research Institute, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand, November, 5.
Singh, P. & Nair, R.B. ( 2013).Differences in the acquisition of emotions in Indian joint and nuclear families: The pragmatics of enriched socio-emotional interactions. 13th International Pragmatics conference, New Delhi, Sep. 8-13.
Singh, P. Jindal, A. & Gehlot, P. (2013). Values and shared spaces.10th Biennial Conference of Asian Association of Social Psychology, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, August, 21-24.
Srivastava, S. & Singh, P. (2013). Psychological well-being and its indicators in the lives of the non-heterosexuals. 10th Biennial Conference of Asian Association of Social Psychology, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, August, 21-24.
Maheshwari, S.& Singh, P.(2013). Examining how academic achievement of Indian undergraduate students is shaped by various forms of capital. 10th Biennial Conference of Asian Association of Social Psychology, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, August, 21-24.
Singh, P. (2012).Understanding the shared spaces: Complexities and challenges. Symposium on shared spaces: Exploring the boundaries, barriers and bridges in the contemporary world. 30th International Congress of Psychology Capetown, South Africa, July 22-27, 2012.
Select National Conferences ( Since 2012)
Singh, P. ( 2017). Resilience: The psychological strength that keeps us going. Inaugural address. One day International conference on Creating resilient families and communities, 19th Dec., IIT Delhi.
Singh, P.( 2016). Justice and Identity issues in organizations. Symposium on Issues and challenges of organizations in India. 26th Conference Of National Academy Of Psychology(NAOP) IIT Madras, December 29-31, 2016.
Sohi, K.K. & Singh, P.( 2016). Social structure, school experiences and academic and psycho-social competencies. 26th Conference Of National Academy Of Psychology(NAOP) IIT Madras, December 29-31, 2016.
Singh, P. (2016). Perspectives of successful aging: Dimensions of wellbeing in old age. National Conference on Perspectives of Successful Aging, M. S. College for Women, University of Delhi, September 23-24.
Singh, P. ( 2016). Multiple mindsets and multiple social concerns. Symposium on Indian mindset. International Seminar on “ Indian mind and societal concerns: An interdisciplinary dialogue. Department of Psychology, Ramanujan College, University of Delhi, April, 2-3.
Singh, P. (2016). Invited lecture- Social harmony and well-being. National Seminar on 'Social Harmony and Well Being: Issues and Challenges', The Department of Applied Psychology, Sri Aurobindo College, University of Delhi, 18th-19th March
Singh, P. & Sohi, K. ( 2016). Understanding the Dynamics of Participation in Rituals and Well-Being. International Conference on Psycho-Social Perspectives on Health and Well-Being, Department of Psychology, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi, March 1-2.
Singh, P. (2016). Fostering harmony through creating shared spaces. In Symposium on “From understanding roots of violence to building bridges of peace. Silver Jubilee 25th Convention of National Academy of Psychology 2015-16, Allahabad, Feb.2-5.
Singh, P. (2016). Psychology Profession in India: Issues and Collective Actions by Psychology Organizations . Silver Jubilee 25th Convention of National Academy of Psychology 2015-16, Allahabad, Feb.2-5.
Singh, P. (2016). Dynamic social relationships: Shifting perceptions of inclusion and exclusion. In Social inclusion of the marginalized. Silver Jubilee 25th Convention of National Academy of Psychology 2015-16, Allahabad, Feb.2-5.
Maheshwari, S., Tripathi, R.C., Pandey, N. & Singh, P.(2016). Cognitive and behavioural responses to violations: Role of context, retributive/ non- retributive responses of the victims and relationship of the victim and offender. Silver Jubilee 25th Convention of National Academy of Psychology 2015-16, Allahabad, Feb.2-5.
Sohi, K. & Singh, P. (2016). Microaggression and Well-Being: The role of Identity Centrality. Silver Jubilee 25th Convention of National Academy of Psychology 2015-16, Allahabad, Feb.2-5.
Tewari, S., Singh, P., Bulbulia, J. & Fischer, F.(2016). Impact of Religious Rituals on Well-being, Mindfulness and Affect. Silver Jubilee 25th Convention of National Academy of Psychology 2015-16, Allahabad, Feb.2-5.
Singh, P. (2015). Hundred years of psychology in India: A rummage through the past and agenda for the future. Invited Symposium: The journey of psychology in India: Lost and found. Centenary Conference on Psychology- An international event, University of Calcutta, October 9-11.
Sohi, K. & Singh, P. ( 2015). Collective action in response to micro-aggression: Implications for social well-being. Centenary Conference on Psychology- An international event, University of Calcutta, October 9-11.
Singh, P. & Siddiqui, R. ( 2015). Identity discourse: From negotiations to harmony in plural societies. National Workshop on ICSSR research survey and explorations in psychology, 21-22 Jan. ICSSR, New Delhi.
Singh, P. ( 2015). Invited lecture- Creating and sustaining enabling work environments. National Conference on Positive Psychology at Workplace, Carmel College of Arts, Science & Commerce for Women, Goa, 9-10th January.
Singh, P. ( 2015). Psychological Capital of Indian youth: Challenges and opportunities, March, 26, .Ambedkar College, Delhi University.
Singh, P. ( 2014). Reshaping the frontiers for a more inclusive psychology. Presidential Address. 24th Annual Convention of the National Academy of Psychology, Indian Institute of Forest Management, Bhopal, Dec. 12-14.
Sohi, K.K., Singh, P. & Bopanna, K.( 2014). Sewa and its impact on sense of community, collective self-esteem and well-being of the Sikh community. 24th Annual Convention of the National Academy of Psychology, Indian Institute of Forest Management, Bhopal, Dec. 12-14.
Sohi, K.K. & Singh, P. ( 2014). Explaining linkages of microaggression and well-being: Exploring emotion and efficacy routes. 24th Annual Convention of the National Academy of Psychology, Indian Institute of Forest Management, Bhopal, Dec. 12-14.
Singh, P. ( 2014). Invited lecture. The dynamics of intergroup relations in pluralistic societies. Workshop on Preparing soldier for psychological operation( PsyOps) strategies, DIPR,20-21, November.
Singh, P. ( 2014) Invited Lecture. Social well-being and sharing. National Seminar on “Health and Well-Being: Recent Developments and Challenges” November 12-13, 2014, Department of Psychology, Jamia Millia Islamia University, Delhi .
Singh, P. (2013). Being on the periphery: Dynamics and social psychological processes. Plenary Lecture National Seminar on “Inclusive Development- Bridging the Gap” , Shillong, June 7-8, 2013.
Singh, P. ( 2013). Making sense of culture and diversity. Plenary Lecture Conclave on Composite culture management. University of Jammu, Jammu, March, 22, 2013.
Singh, P.(2013). The strength of collaboration. In Presidential Symposia. Working together for a common cause. National Academy of Psychology Convention, Christ University, Bangalore, Dec. 10-12.
Singh, P. ( 2013). Social influence processes and the masses. Symposia on Mahatma Gandhi and Social Psychology of the Indian People National Academy of Psychology Convention, Christ University, Bangalore, Dec. 10-12.
Srivastava, S. & Singh, P.( 2013). Unraveling the Psychological Mechanism of Stigma Processing: A Comparative Study of Visible and Concealable Dimension of Social Stigma National Academy of Psychology Convention, Christ University, Bangalore, Dec. 10-12.
Singh, P. & Srivastava, S. (2012). Plenary Lecture- Perceived stigma and health. National Seminar on Mental health and well being across the life span. S. V. University, Tirupati, March 17-18,
Singh, P. ( 2012). Social Psychology research in India: Some challenges. Extra-mural lecture at Department of Psychology, M.S.University, Vadodara, Feb 1.
Some Invited Lectures
Singh, P. ( 2015). Positive psychology movement in the context of
work. Department of Psychology, Jamia Milia University, Delhi, October, 23.
Singh, P. ( 2015). Psychological Capital of Indian youth: Challenges and opportunities, March, 26, Ambedkar College, Delhi University.
Singh, P. ( 2015). Social Science Research. In Research Methodology Workshop organized by Department of Psychology, Jamia Milia University, Delhi 12-24 March 2015.
Singh, P. ( 2015).Writing grant proposals. In Research Methodology Workshop organized by Department of Psychology, Jamia Milia University, Delhi 12-24 March 2015.
Singh, P. (2014). Justice research in India: Insights from the past and agenda for the future. Indian Institute of Kanpur, India. April, 5.
Singh,P. (2014).The dynamics of marginalization and social change. National Seminar on Social Change in contemporary India : Psychological Dimensions and social response. Aurobindo College, Delhi, March 21-22, 2014
Singh, P. ( 2013).Invited lecture on Communication and attitude formation processes in scientific organizations. Defence Institute of Psychological Research, Delhi, September 5.
Singh, P. (2013). Social science research: issues and practices. Invited lecture, Rakshak Foundation, IIT Delhi, May 27,2013.
Singh, P. Doing socially and contextually relevant research. Invited lecture Jamia Milia Islamia, March, 6, 2013.
Singh, P. (2012). Changing scenario: Culture, society and behaviour. In CEP on Challenges in psychological testing in face of changing scenario, Defence Institute of Psychological Research, Delhi, August,27.
Singh, P. (2012). The art of writing publishable manuscript. Workshop at the Department of Management, IIT Roorkee, 18th June, 2012.
Elected President- Psychological and Societal Development Division, International Association of Applied Psychology-2020-2022-President Elect, 2022-2026 President.
Editor -in -Chief Psychological Studies ( Springer)
International Union of Psychological Sciences ( IUPsyS)- National Member
Fellow National Academy of Psychology
Institute Chair Professor, IIT Delhi
President- National Academy of Psychology, ( NAOP) India, 2014-2015.
Treasurer- National Academy of Psychology, (NAOP) India, 2006-2012.
Executive Committee Member of the Asian Association of Social Psychology- South Asian Representative, 2007-2015.
Representative South Asia, International Association of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 2014-2022.
Member- Board of Directors -International Association of Applied Psychology- 2018-2022.
Delivered Invited/Featured lecture at Division 3- Psychology and Societal Development, International Congress of Applied Social Psychology, Montreal, July 26-30, 2018.
Invited by the International Congress of Psychology, July 24-29, 2016 at Yokohama, Japan to organize a symposium on Culture, group interactions and creating shared spaces.
Commonwealth Academic Staff Fellowship by the Commonwealth Association of Universities at the University of Bristol, Bristol, United Kingdom, 1991-1992.
Young Scientist Award by the Indian Science Congress Association in 1986.
Witkin Okanji Travel Award - International Association of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 2008.
Convenor, 8th Biennial Conference of the Asian Association of Social Psychology, 2009.
Member Scientific Committee 9th Biennial Conference of the Asian Association of Social Psychology, KunMing, China, 2011.
Member, International Advisory Board, International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology Congress, The University of Guelph, Canada, 2018.
Member Editorial Board- International Journal of Psychology ( Wiley). ( 2014-2016)
Associate Editor- Psychology and Developing Societies- A Journal, (Published by Sage).1989-2011.
Associate Editor- Psychological Studies-( Published by Springer).2009-to date.
Guest Editor ( Special Issue) – Justice and diversity, Psychology and Developing Societies- A Journal ( 2009)
Co-Editor with Prof. G. Misra- Psychological Studies ( Special Issue). 8th Biennial Conference of the Asian Association of Social Psychology ( 2009).
Understanding the psychological dynamics of retributive and restorative justice, Indian Council of Social Science Research, India.
Collective participation and identity . Nuffield Foundation and ESRC funded project with collaborators from University of Dundee, University of St. Andrews, University of Lancaster, UK and Allahabad University, Aligarh Muslim University, BHU and IIT Delhi, India.
Language, emotion and culture- Department of Science and Technology, India.( C0-PI) ( with R.B.Nair and C.A.Tomy.
India studies research grant 2013- Religion, community making and well being-( Co-PI).(with Joseph Bulbulia, Ronald Fischer, Rick Weiss, Shruti Tewari & Dimitris Xygalatas).
The shared spaces: Exploring the boundaries, bridges and barriers in contemporary India-Indian Council of Social Science Research, India. ( P.I.).( with G. Misra, R.Siddiqui, A.K.Mishra and P.Kapoor).
Capabilities approach to education: Access, equity and quality. ICSSR, India ( Co-PI).( with R.B. Nair, and V. Upadhyaya).
Assessing the Social & Economic Impact of CSR, Faculty Interdisciplinary Project sponsored by IRD, IIT Delhi (Co-PI) with Shveta Singh and Kanika T. Bhal.
Philosophy of Geography ( Templeton Foundation) with R.B.Nair