Saptarshi Mukherjee | Humanities & Social Sciences

Saptarshi Mukherjee

Saptarshi Mukherjee
CV Summary: 

Saptarshi graduated from the Indian Statistical Institute (Delhi). He works on mechanism design, social choice, game theory, bounded rationality and teaches microeconomics, game theory and mathematical economics.

Contact Information

Department of Humanities and Social Sciences.
Indian Institute of Technology- Delhi.
Office: Block-B (Electrical Engineering), Room no. 402-H
Phone: +91-11-26597396.
E-mail: saptarshi[at]hss[dot]iitd[dot]ac[dot]in

Research Areas

Microeconomic theory, Mechanism design, Game theory, Bounded rationality theory.

Academic Background

Post-doc, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 2011-2013;

PhD (Quantitative Economics), Indian Statistical Institute, New Delhi, 2011.
(Dissertation title: ``Essays on Individual and Collective Decision-making'')


[1] "(Large) Finite to continuum: an approximation result for electoral competition models" (with M. Bhattacharya, R. Sonal and R. Venkatesh), Journal of Mathematical Economics (forthcoming)

[2] "Implementation in Undominated Strategies with applications to Auction design, Public good provision and Matching" (with N. Muto and A. Sen), Journal of Economic Theory, Vol. 216, March 2024, Elsevier.

[3] "Optimal Large Population Tullock Contests" (with R. Lahkar), Oxford Open Economics, Vol. 2, 2023, Oxford University Press.

[4] "Self-implementation of social choice correspondences in Nash equilibrium" (with H. Peters), Social Choice and Welfare, Vol. 59, November 2022, Springer.

[5] "Frame-based Stochastic Choice Rule" (with M. Bhattacharya and R. Sonal), Journal of Mathematical Economics, Vol. 97, December 2021, Elsevier.

[6] ''Evolutionary implementation in aggregative games" (with R. Lahkar), Mathematical Social Sciences, Vol. 109, January 2021, Elsevier.

[7] "Dominant Strategy Implementation in a Large Population Public Goods Game" (with R. Lahkar), Economics Letters, Vol. 197, December 2020, Elsevier.

[8] “Consumer equilibrium, random choice and hemi-Bayesian revision rule” (with M. Bhattacharya and R. Sonal), Economics Letters, Vol. 193, August 2020, Elsevier.

[9] “Evolutionary Implementation in a Public Goods Game’’ (with R. Lahkar), Journal of Economic Theory, Vol. 181, May 2019, Elsevier.

[10] “Implementation in Undominated Strategies by Bounded Mechanisms: The Pareto Correspondence and a Generalization'' (with N. Muto, E. Ramaekers and A. Sen), Journal of Economic Theory, Vol. 180, March 2019, Elsevier.

[11] “Implementation in Undominated Strategies by Bounded Mechanisms: Some Results on Compromise Alternatives'', Research in Economics, Vol. 72, September 2018, Elsevier.

[12] “Implementation in Undominated Strategies with Partially Honest Agents'' (with N. Muto and E. Ramaekers), Games and Economic Behavior, Vol. 104, July 2017, Elsevier.

[13] “Divide and choose in List-based Decision Problems'' (with D. Dimitrov and N.
Muto), Theory and Decision, Vol. 81, June 2016, Springer.

[14] “Choice from Oredered-tree-based Decision Problems'', Social Choice and Welfare, Vol. 43, August, 2014, Springer.

[15] “An Outlook into Energy Consumption in Large Scale Industries in India'' (with M. Dutta), Energy Policy, Vol. 38, Issue 11, 2010, Elsevier.

[16] "Renewable Energy in India: What It Means for the Economy and Jobs" (with M. K. Mehra, G. Bhattacharya, S.M. Azharuddin), In: Dasgupta, P., Saha, A.R., Singhal, R. (eds) Sustainable Development Insights from India, 2021, Springer.


Teaching Excellence Award, 2016; Indian Institute of Technology Delhi.

Japan Society for Promotion of Science (JSPS) Invitational Long-term Fellowship, 2020-21.

MATRICS Grant, SERB, DST, 2020.

Teaching Areas

Microeconomics; Game theory; Mathematical economics.
