Graduates | Humanities & Social Sciences


Title of Dissertation Supervisorsort descending Year of Award
Safia Mehdi Macro economic analysis of road transport: case study of public road transport undertakings in India A. L. Agarwal 1989
Harbir S Manku All at sea: postcolonial study of Melville, Conrad, Golding, Unsworth Alok Rai and Rukmini Bhaya Nair 1999
Khirod Chandra Moharana Mental illness among the hos of odisha: an ethnographic study Amrit Srinivasan 2014
C. Shambu Prasad Exploring Gandhian science: Case study of the khadi movement Amrit Srinivasan 2001
Soumitri Varadarajan Life cycle of the object:a study in material culture Amrit Srinivasan 2003
Akhilesh Ranjan Tharu: an ethnographic study of a frontier community in the Terai Amrit Srinivasan 2004
Suchismita Palai Sociology of micro credit: a study of rural women in poverty Amrit Srinivasan 2007
Prachi Awasthi Informal sector of IT education: a study of Urbon Delhi Amrit Srinivasan 2007
Preeti Jain Das Education in an urbanizing village : the case of Aya Nagar. Amrit Srinivasan 2007
Satarupa Dutta Majumder Indigenous knowledge: an epistemological exploration centered on the santhal built- form Amrit Srinivasan 2010
Arshiya Bawa Sethi Religion, state and nation: Assam’s sattras and their dance Amrit Srinivasan 2011
Kamayani Kaushiva Study of the representation of child, body and nation in partition literature Angelie Multani 2008
Vandana Saxena Fantasies of adolescence: networks of subversion and containment in the novels of J. K. Rowling Angelie Multani 2010
Sanjay Kumar Reading the stage: Interrogating contemporary urban theatre in India Angelie Multani and Sanil V. 2009
Chavi Asrani Adoption and diffusion of digital communication in India an empirical study Ankush Agrawal 2020
Radha R. Ashrit Some select economic issues in Indian agriculture Ankush Agrawal 2021
Kanhu Charan Pradhan Essays on internal migration in India Ankush Agrawal 2021
Sitakanta Panda Essays on empirical political economics Ankush Agrawal and Sourabh Bikas Paul 2017
Sumallya Mukhopadhyay From Rupture to Resilience: Memory and Identity in Oral Narratives of Refugees Arriving from East Pakistan to West Bengal (1947-1970) Arjun Ghosh 2022
Jyotirmay Das Traditional Performances of the Goalpara Region in Assam Arjun Ghosh 2023
Devjani Ray Children's periodicals in bengali 1885-1920 a study of Sakha and Sandesh Arjun Ghosh 2020
Mriganka Sekhar Sarma Exploring politics of identity through theatre:"Assameseness" and Bhramyaman theatre of Assam Arjun Ghosh 2020
Sandip Debnath Badal Sircar and Beyond: Third Theatre Network in West Bengal, 1971 – Present Arjun Ghosh 2022
Lalita Tolerating hate speech Arudra Burra 2021
Diptimayee Nayak National parks: landscapes of justice or landscapes of dispossession? Evaluating bhitarkanika national park Bharati Puri and V. Upadhyay 2015


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