Graduates | Humanities & Social Sciences


Title of Dissertation Supervisor Year of Awardsort descending
Safia Mehdi Macro economic analysis of road transport: case study of public road transport undertakings in India A. L. Agarwal 1989
Prem Kumari Srivastava Evolution of Leslie Fielder: the popular guru by P.K. Srivastava VN Arora and SK Mehra 1991
Kiran Bedi Drug abuse and domestic violence K. L. Nadir and Anuradha Sharma 1992
S. Sudha Intertextuality and Victorian studies Rukmini Bhaya Nair 1997
Harbir S Manku All at sea: postcolonial study of Melville, Conrad, Golding, Unsworth Alok Rai and Rukmini Bhaya Nair 1999
K.P. Sunny Performance of Indian railways : zonal analysis: 1966-67 to 1998-99 V. Upadhyay 2001
Kaustuva Barik Study of productivity growth in paper industry of India V. Upadhyay 2001
C. Shambu Prasad Exploring Gandhian science: Case study of the khadi movement Amrit Srinivasan 2001
Rajesh Kumar K. Psycholinguistic case study of verbal communicative competence in an adolescent boy with autism Rukmini Bhaya Nair 2002
Tuli Roy Productivity and profitability of public sector banks in India:review of economic reforms V. Upadhyay 2002
Seema Sharma Study of total factor productivity in Indian fertiliser industry V. Upadhyay 2003
Soumitri Varadarajan Life cycle of the object:a study in material culture Amrit Srinivasan 2003
B. Kanagadurai Methodology for planning and evaluation of rural road network: an integrated functional accessibility approach V. Upadhyay 2003
Ameeta Motwani Social construction of poverty discourses of poverty and the practice of Poverty Alleviation in India Ravinder Kaur 2004
Akhilesh Ranjan Tharu: an ethnographic study of a frontier community in the Terai Amrit Srinivasan 2004
Usha Mudiganti Fiction of childhood: toys and gender in Anglo-American novels of the late 19th and early 20th centuries Rukmini Bhaya Nair 2005
Jyoti Sapru Son preference in Haryana : structures and strategies. Ravinder Kaur 2006
Swati Jain Anti-dumping measures in India: an empirical study. Sudhir K. Jain and V Upadhyay 2006
Akshaya Kumar Sen Optimal Pricing of Urban Road Transport: A Case Study of Delhi Geetam Tiwari and V Upadhyay 2007
Suchismita Palai Sociology of micro credit: a study of rural women in poverty Amrit Srinivasan 2007
Prachi Awasthi Informal sector of IT education: a study of Urbon Delhi Amrit Srinivasan 2007
Preeti Jain Das Education in an urbanizing village : the case of Aya Nagar. Amrit Srinivasan 2007
Shagufta Khan Frontier approach to the evaluation of efficiency and productivity in the Indian pharmaceutical industry Kaustuva Barik and V. Upadhyay 2007
Kamayani Kaushiva Study of the representation of child, body and nation in partition literature Angelie Multani 2008
Shalini Duggal Jha Study of cultural orientation and psychological attributes of college students and teachers across Northern India Kamlesh Singh 2008


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