Graduates | Humanities & Social Sciences


Title of Dissertation Supervisor Year of Awardsort ascending
Vandana Saxena Fantasies of adolescence: networks of subversion and containment in the novels of J. K. Rowling Angelie Multani 2010
Shelly Pandey Gendered experiences in a globalized work World: a study of women employees of call centres in India P. Vigneswara Ilavarasan 2010
Priyanka Agrawal Development of a coding system for touch: an analysis of early mother-child interaction Rukmini Bhaya Nair 2010
Satarupa Dutta Majumder Indigenous knowledge: an epistemological exploration centered on the santhal built- form Amrit Srinivasan 2010
Divya Dwivedi Investigation into time and language: towards the ontology of the literary/ by Divya Dwivedi Sanil V. 2010
Om Prakash Agarwal Institutional arrangements for the provision of urban public transport Vrajaindra Upadhaya and Geetam Tiwari 2010
Sanjay Kumar Reading the stage: Interrogating contemporary urban theatre in India Angelie Multani and Sanil V. 2009
Satarupa Ray Bhattacharya Efficiency and productivity growth in the Indian iron and steel industry : a stochastic frontier analysis Kaustuva Barik and V Upadhyay 2009
Kamayani Kaushiva Study of the representation of child, body and nation in partition literature Angelie Multani 2008
Shalini Duggal Jha Study of cultural orientation and psychological attributes of college students and teachers across Northern India Kamlesh Singh 2008
Mamata R. Singh Benchmarking framework for sustainable urban water supply services in india V. Upadhyay and A. K. Mittal 2008
Arvind Kumar Chaturvedi Impact of economic reforms on poverty and income distribution in India: a comparison with China V. Upadhyay 2008
Suchismita Palai Sociology of micro credit: a study of rural women in poverty Amrit Srinivasan 2007
Prachi Awasthi Informal sector of IT education: a study of Urbon Delhi Amrit Srinivasan 2007
Preeti Jain Das Education in an urbanizing village : the case of Aya Nagar. Amrit Srinivasan 2007
Shagufta Khan Frontier approach to the evaluation of efficiency and productivity in the Indian pharmaceutical industry Kaustuva Barik and V. Upadhyay 2007
Akshaya Kumar Sen Optimal Pricing of Urban Road Transport: A Case Study of Delhi Geetam Tiwari and V Upadhyay 2007
Swati Jain Anti-dumping measures in India: an empirical study. Sudhir K. Jain and V Upadhyay 2006
Jyoti Sapru Son preference in Haryana : structures and strategies. Ravinder Kaur 2006
Usha Mudiganti Fiction of childhood: toys and gender in Anglo-American novels of the late 19th and early 20th centuries Rukmini Bhaya Nair 2005
Ameeta Motwani Social construction of poverty discourses of poverty and the practice of Poverty Alleviation in India Ravinder Kaur 2004
Akhilesh Ranjan Tharu: an ethnographic study of a frontier community in the Terai Amrit Srinivasan 2004
Soumitri Varadarajan Life cycle of the object:a study in material culture Amrit Srinivasan 2003
Seema Sharma Study of total factor productivity in Indian fertiliser industry V. Upadhyay 2003
B. Kanagadurai Methodology for planning and evaluation of rural road network: an integrated functional accessibility approach V. Upadhyay 2003


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