10-12 January 2019
The evolution of disciplines under the influence of digitization is a matter that demands urgent scrutiny. Both the sciences and humanities are confronted with ‘data’ poised for manipulation. While digitization can enrich the tools and methods available for investigation, it also rekindles dreams of a singular methodology universal enough to consolidate an unwieldy multiplicity of disciplines. But this promise of digitization must echo with the noise of ‘science wars’ in the nineties . Digitization provides for a moment to reconsider both the future and the history of disciplines today.
Thursday, 10 January 2019
10 - 10.15 am Inaugural Session
10.15 am – 11.30 noon Session I
CHAIR Adam Knowles
SUKANTA CHAUDHURI – “Rethinking Disciplines: The Promise of Digital Knowledge”
11.30 – 1.30 pm Session II
CHAIR Ravi Chakraborty
EKTA SINGH - “‘Big Data and Explanation in Social Sciences”
HUZAIFA OMAIR SIDDIQUIE - “Flying by the Neural Nets”
1.30 -2.15 pm LUNCH
2.15 – 4.15 pm Session III
CHAIR Elie During
MOHIT ABROL - “Bergson, Entropy and the Negantopocene”
MEERA S - “Alternative epistemic processes in practice-oriented disciplines”
4.15 – 4.30 pm COFFEE
4.30 – 5.45 pm Session IV
CHAIR Divya Dwivedi
ELIE DURING - “A Plea For Formal Time”
Friday, 11 January 2019
10 am – 12 noon Session V
CHAIR Shinod N.K.
RAVI CHAKRABORTY - “Is Mathematics a Model Discipline?”
SUDIPTO BASU - “Cybernetics, General Economy and the Possibilities of a Universal Discipline”
12 noon – 12.15 pm COFFEE
12.15 pm – 1.30 pm Session VI
CHAIR Angelie Multani
RICHARD WALSH - “Interdisciplinarity, Narratology, Complexity”
1.30 – 2.15 pm LUNCH
2.15 pm – 4.15 pm Session VII
CHAIR Richard Walsh
SUSAN HARRIS – “Singing the Storied Matter for the Anthropocene”
SUMITA SHARMA – “Towards a Scaled-Up Hermeneutics, Or, What to Do with the Big Data of Poetry”
4.15 – 4.30 pm COFFEE
4.30- 5.45 PM Session VIII
CHAIR Subarno Chattarji
MEERA NANDA – “The Mythology War: Myth as History and Science in India”
Saturday, 12 January 2019
10 am – 12 noon Session IX
CHAIR Neha Singh
SHINOD N.K. - “Computer Simulations and the Changing Ontology of Evidence”
MEGHA SANYAL - “The Epistemic Value of Digitisation in the Humanities”
12 noon -12.15 pm COFFEE
12.15 pm – 1.30 pm Session X
CHAIR Sukanta Chaudhuri
ANNE DUPRAT – “Literature and Information: Singularities, Resistances, Emergences”
1.30 – 2.30 pm LUNCH
2.30 pm – 4.30 pm Session XI
CHAIR Meera Nanda
CLAIRE BROLAN - “Right to Health Practitioners Cannot Be Left Behind”
SUMEET AGARWAL – “Evolution, Learning, and the Nature of Scientific Explanation”
Please send the enquiries to : philoconference.iitd@gmail.com
Organising Committee:
Ravi Chakraborty, Mohit Abrol, Nandan Rosario, Divya Dwivedi, Ravinder Kaur, Sanil V.
Indian Institute of Technology Delhi
Institut Francais en Inde
Indian Council of Social Science Research
Please follow the conference blog to gain further familiarity with the expected themes and the spirit of the conference in general including the work of some of the invited speakers. https://digitaldisciplinarity18.home.blog