The candidates with the following application numbers have been provisionally selected for the MA Programme in Culture Society Thought for the year 2024-25.
The list appears in no particular order.
PG-242501-0893 |
PG-242501-24003 |
PG-242501-33912 |
PG-242501-1035 |
PG-242501-24819 |
PG-242501-34401 |
PG-242501-14584 |
PG-242501-25010 |
PG-242501-38297 |
PG-242501-1490 |
PG-242501-29763 |
PG-242501-39536 |
PG-242501-15000 |
PG-242501-29883 |
PG-242501-40048 |
PG-242501-15063 |
PG-242501-30296 |
PG-242501-5449 |
PG-242501-15135 |
PG-242501-32982 |
PG-242501-5859 |
PG-242501-17305 |
PG-242501-33628 |
PG-242501-7324 |
PG-242501-22379 |
Please note that this is a provisional list; final admission is subject to document submission and verification.
Individual offer letters will be sent to all provisionally selected candidates with details of the offer.
Waiting List
The candidates with the following application numbers appear on the waiting list for the MA Programme in Culture Society Thought for the year 2024-25.
The list appears in no particular order. Offer letters will be sent to particular candidates in the order of merit as and when vacancies arise in particular admission categories as per IIT Delhi rules.
PG-242501-38804 |
PG-242501-29796 |
PG-242501-30066 |
PG-242501-34235 |
PG-242501-16680 |
PG-242501-24650 |
PG-242501-28988 |
PG-242501-5083 |
PG-242501-15057 |
PG-242501-32686 |
PG-242501-34330 |
PG-242501-7798 |
PG-242501-10298 |
PG-242501-34085 |
PG-242501-5526 |
PG-242501-16336 |
PG-242501-33304 |
PG-242501-18386 |
PG-242501-28748 |
PG-242501-4110 |
PG-242501-16709 |
PG-242501-20725 |
PG-242501-9824 |
PG-242501-12987 |
PG-242501-1754 |
PG-242501-2468 |
PG-242501-25926 |
PG-242501-33825 |
PG-242501-21735 |
PG-242501-0022 |
PG-242501-33656 |
PG-242501-29549 |
PG-242501-12591 |
PG-242501-30240 |
PG-242501-35323 |
PG-242501-27497 |
PG-242501-33177 |
PG-242501-23586 |
PG-242501-7382 |
PG-242501-7095 |
PG-242501-0447 |
PG-242501-28468 |
PG-242501-24752 |
PG-242501-10008 |
PG-242501-0208 |
PG-242501-1295 |