WISERD–IIT DELHI joint Civil Society & Citizenship Rights Research Workshop | Humanities & Social Sciences

WISERD–IIT DELHI joint Civil Society & Citizenship Rights Research Workshop

WISERD–IIT DELHI joint Civil Society & Citizenship Rights Workshop held in New Delhi

India’s leading NGOs attended the two-day WISERD- IIT DELHI joint Civil Society and Citizenship Rights Research Workshop held in New Delhi on August 17-18. It was held as part of the project ‘Exploring Effective Practice in Civil Society Organisations: Promotion of Good Governance and Social Justice in India and Bangladesh’ project – funded by the Academy of Medical Sciences, Global Challenges Research Fund. The research is led by Professor Paul Chaney (WISERD) and Sarbeswar Sahoo (Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi).

Professors Chaney and Sahoo said, “In the year of the seventieth anniversary of the United Nations Convention on Human Rights, and with religious freedom and gender equality being key to realising the UN Sustainable Development Goals, our project focuses on the key challenges facing civil society with ongoing deep-set patterns and processes of gender oppression and religious conflict around the world”.

They continued, “our attention will centre on civil society organisations’ views of the key issues, areas of progress and ongoing challenges in relation to human rights advocacy and service delivery for women, girls and different religious communities … our aim is to learn from practitioners and advocates – the people who really have lived experience of these issues – we will share our project findings in order to further academic and practical knowledge and - promote peace, tolerance and dignity ".

The workshop discussions identified a series of challenges faced by NGOs working on these issues – yet, it also pin-pointed several aspects that were positive – suggesting the way to inclusive citizenship rights and sustainable development – not only in India and Bangladesh – but also globally.

Further updates on the project can be found at www.wiserd.ac.uk and http://www.hss.iitd.ac.in

See also: https://wiserd.ac.uk/news/wiserd-iit-delhi-joint-civil-society-and-citiz...
