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Roland Barthes: Today, Here

"Roland Barthes: Today, Here" organized by the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, IIT-Delhi in collaboration with The Institut Francais en Inde
The venue and lunch are restricted to 100 persons, and will be made available on a first come-first serve basis. (Registered attendees: please note that NO ACCOMMODATION or DINNER can be provided)

Day 1: 10 December, 2015

9.30 am: Coffee & Tea

Workshop on Multiple Publics

Multiple Publics: Sites, Boundaries and Contestations in India
Convenors: Dr. Sarbeswar Sahoo & Dr. Naveen K. Thayyil, IIT Delhi
9-10 October 2015 at IRD Conference Hall (7th Floor, Main Building, IITD Campus)

This workshop aims to understand the emergences and multiplicities of competing publics and their role in democratic transformation of Indian society and polity through:
