Latest news & announcements | Humanities & Social Sciences

Latest news & announcements

IFLLP Language Classes Begin on 16 Sept

The Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, IIT Delhi offers the Indian & Foreign language learning Programme every semester.

The schedule of the classes for Spanish, Japanese, French and German can be found on this link: and at the end of this page. Classes will begin from Saturday 16 September 2023.

Call for Papers: Caste and Religion in India

Life-cycle events in India are often determined by identities or “master statuses” acquired at birth, such as caste, which play a significant role in an individual’s everyday social life. While extensive studies have been conducted on the role of caste in Hinduism, the interplay between caste and non-Hindu religions in India has received less attention. Therefore, the objective of this volume is to explore the complex, contingent, and multifaceted nature of caste beyond Hinduism, particularly, in non-Hindu religions.

PhD Admissions Sem 1 2023-24 Further Instructions

Important instructions for the shortlisted applicants for PhD Admissions Semester 1 2023-24.
1. Please ensure you arrive by 9:20 am to be able to get entry to the LHC building, find your exam room, locate your allotted seat and start the exam on time.
2. Please sit in your ALLOTTED SEAT (check your application number in the seating plan in the room or use the QR code to scan it).
