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IIT Delhi Invites Applications for Postdoctoral Positions

Inviting applications for TWO full time (6 months) Post-Doctoral Research Associates on delivering social welfare during the COVID-19 pandemic and Animal Welfare Campaigning

1: Post-Doctoral Research Associate, Animal Welfare Campaigning, Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi (6 months Full Time)

Shortlisting Criteria for PhD Admissions for Sem I 2023-24

The shortlisting criteria for the PhD admissions Semester I 2023-24 for Indian applicants to the PhD Programme at HUSS, IIT Delhi is given in the attached file. Emails have been sent to all applicants inviting them to fill up a form indicating their choice among the seven HSS areas (Economics, Linguistics, Literature, Philosophy, Psychology, Sociology and Technology in Society).

Here is the schedule for the admission process:

Additional seats in M.Sc. (Economics) in 2023-24

A special provision for 15 additional seats (in addition to the 25 seats through the JAM examination) is provided only for the year 2023-24. The admission to these additional 15 seats will be through an entrance test to be conducted by the Institute in IIT Delhi. It is open to all eligible candidates as described in the prospectus ( Students who have taken the JAM exam already, are also welcome to sit for this exam.

NREGA: Does I.T. work?

Tuesday Seminar
Jean Drèze; Sabhilnath Paikra; Vineeta Tigga; Kripa Xaxa; Reetika Khera (moderator)
Date and Time: 
Fri, 17/03/2023 - 3:30pm to 5:00pm
03:30 PM to 05:00 PM

The Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MG-NREGA) has faced budget cuts in th
