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Malcolmn Adiseshiah Memorial Lecture 2021 - Understanding Inequality

Understanding Inequality tries to draw attention to the unrecognized crisis (especially among the privileged) that faces us. It focuses on this blind-spot among India's privileged "middle class". Certain digital technologies pose a new threat. They can exacerbate these inequalities, especially as they have become more widely used in the post-pandemic period for basic services such as health and education. Finally, the lecture discusses the options available to us to remedy this situation.

Hunger Index Is Limited, but There’s Enough Proof That India Has a Problem

Given the chronic neglect of hunger, nutrition and health in India, its low rank on the Global Hunger Index (GHI) is not a mystery.
The GHI score is the average of a country’s score on four indicators of equal weight: insufficient calorie intake, wasting, stunting and child mortality.
The government’s claims that the GHI report is “devoid of ground reality and facts” is shot through with inconsistencies.

Best Paper Award to Shilpa Bandyopadhyay

Shilpa Bandyopadhyay, a Ph.D. student of Prof. Kamlesh Singh, presented a paper titled ’Successful Aging in the Indian Socio-cultural Milieu' at the 56th National and 25th International Conference of the Indian Academy of Applied Psychology (February 2021). She was awarded the Prof. Deepak Bhat Award for Best Presentation in a Scientific Session.

Prof. Reetika Khera wins prestigious awards for Social Scientists

Prof. Khera has been selected for the Malcolm Adiseshiah award in 2021. The Malcolm Adiseshiah Award & the Elizabeth Adiseshiah Award for distinguished contributions to Development Studies instituted by Malcolm & Elizabeth Adiseshiah Trust during the year 2000.

The Malcolm Adiseshiah Award was first given to Abhijit V. Banerjee in 2000. Since then, Ram Guha, Pratap Bhanu Mehta, Jayati Ghosh, Nandini Sundar, Amita Baviskar, Yogendra Yadav, among others, have received it.

Prof. Khera would be presented citations and prize money of ₹1 lakh.
